Nutritional Counseling Services

Proper nutrition plays a huge part in your pet’s general health, just like it does with people. Animals have specific nutritional needs, and sometimes the food you’re feeding your pet falls short in its nutritional profile. Too many times, pet parents think they’re choosing the “right” supplements when shopping online or in a pet store. However, quality varies greatly between companies’ products, and clever marketing schemes convince the consumer to buy, regardless of quality or efficacy.

At Pawsitive Pet Care, we proudly offer the highest quality nutritional products from companies that offer customized support from veterinary professionals, offer approved veterinary continuing education events, and have a proven track record for safety and efficacy.

Dr. Fox, holistic veterinarian, can help design a nutritional protocol for specific health conditions as well as to optimize your senior dog or cat’s diet for increased vitality and longevity. Pawsitive Pet Care also features Volhard Dog Nutrition products for those pet parents who want the benefits of a raw food diet without the inconvenience.