Exotic & Pocket Pets

At Pawsitive Pet Care, we understand that pets can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and species. Dogs and cats may be the most popular pets to care for, but not everyone makes that choice. There are many people who prefer the companionship of pets that are more exotic, such as birds, rabbits, and lizards.

It can be difficult to find the proper veterinary care for your non-traditional pet. Each exotic pet species has its own, very different anatomy and physiology. Not every veterinarian that you encounter will have the comprehensive knowledge required to provide your pet with the medical care they require. But our doctors have the skills, training, and experience to address your exotic pet’s needs through every stage of their life.

That’s why we’re proud to have the specialized knowledge and precise skill set to treat exotics and pocket pets with the same high-level quality care that we offer to canines and felines. Whether your companion has feathers, fur, or scales, we can provide them with the high-quality care that they need.